Monday, December 22, 2014

Lesson, Pedagodik and Microteaching (Part 2)

Diposting oleh anantasean di Monday, December 22, 2014

Dearest friend,
As I promised yesterday, now I'll share my knowledge about PPCPAK program. I attended the second PPCPAK program (the 2nd year from it began) in Banjarmasin. 
As you know it, I already told you that I've crossed the island to participated this program. Well, save your ear to listen to this.
Hal pertama yang kami lakukan adalah menunggu. Ya. The biggest mistake about this program is about communication. Jadi seharusnya pada awal semester pertama kami sudah menerima kuliah sesuai bidang kami (kebetulan disiplin ilmu saya di bidang Informatika) tapi karena 'miss communication' antara pihak koordinator dengan dosen akhirnya kami baru menerima kuliah sekitar bulan Desember. 
Well, sort of we have nothing to do, alias nganggur. Sampai akhirnya kami mendapatkan kuliah. Disini ilmu yang kami dapatkan hampir sama seperti saat S1. Jangan meremehkan karena mengulang pelajaran bukan hal yang sepele. Ternyata saya juga banyak sekali lupa ttg ilmu pelajaran saya dulu. Beberapa guru juga menambahkan ilmu baru ttg mikrotik, web design dan teman-teman juga ikut menambah wawasan ilmu saya.
I'm a little bit shame, after I've knowledged something, I realized that this time my ability were really-really small. 
Then on January, I got more surprised. This time about teaching. Maybe you already know about microteaching but Well, this is my first time heard about it. I've think about microteaching was some lesson about making a motherboard or making something electrical that really small but that's all wrong. This microteaching was about teach in smaller class and smaller time than the real class. 
Before we tasted the 'teaching' experience, we learn about many things before. We must prepare the material (of course), the methode, how we transfer the lesson, how we made score until how we concern about every student behaviour. This is a long-long journey... we attend the class from 8 a.m till 4 p.m. They called this lesson : Pedagogik.
I've never thought that become a teacher is really this hard. So many work to do! Wow.. 
Then we have some trial microteaching before the real test (It's called peer teaching) that happen on first february.
In this peer teaching test, we teach our classmate in 20 minutes. We must beware the time so we need to arrange out material perfectly, our communication ability to make sure the communication in the class envyronment connected and to be in time. Oh, and this test was recorded in video.

Next, i'll share about internship teach on poliban and internship work on Telkom.

Good night,  

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