Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girls Night Movie

Diposting oleh anantasean di Tuesday, March 31, 2009
rabu, 1 april 2009

in the end of rainy season...
i would like to say, good bye rain :D

sedikit mundur ke belakang. di musim penghujan ini, kegiatan ter-favoritku di kamar kos adalah nonton film
a lot of film! but i have the best of all as my favourite at all
saking sueringnya ngulang-ngulang nonton film-film itu, beberapa scene sampai terngiang-ngiang di telinga. sesekali scene itu berjalan sendiri di otak, sekedar mengingatkan adegan-adegan itu.

hmm... namanya ini sindrom apa ya ?

entah, tapi mungkin yang sudah nonton deretan film ini juga ingat beberapa adegan yang berkesan ini :
1. You've got Mail (the best movie 4ever)
adegan waktu joe fox minta tolong kevin, temennya, waktu janjian "blind date" ketemuan sama temen chatnya : shopgirl yang ternyata adalah kathleen kelly, seseorang yang dalam dunia nyata adalah musuh besarnya.
joe fox : can you see her ?!! (agak kesel soalnya digodain kevin terus)
kevin : whoa whoa wait.. yes, now i can see but.. (suaranya berhenti waktu sadar ternyata cewek itu kathleen)
joe fox : and... what does she look like ? (agak nggak sabar)
kevin : (geleng-geleng) she's very beautifull
joe fox : I KNOW SHE IS!!! SHE HAD TO BE, SHE HAD TO BE, SHE HAD TO BE!! (girang)
kevin : but.. she has the same coloring as kathleen kelly person
joe fox : kathleen kelly ? kathleen kelly from the bookstore ?
kevin : yeah, she's not that bad isn't ? i though you like someone like kathleen kelly
joe fox : yaa of course, who cares kathleen kelly ?!! (sebel)
kevin : if you hate that kathleen kelly so much, i tell you, you won't like this girl..
jow fox : why ?
kevin : because it is Kathleen Kelly


2. Little Miss Sunshine
adegan di hotel, waktu si cucu, olive curhat sama si kakek soalnya dia nervous mo ikut kontes little miss sunshine
olive : Grandpa
kakek : yah
olive : am i pretty ?
kakek : (ketawa) you are the most beautifull girl in the whole world
olive : nah, you're just cheer me..
kakek : no, it's true. you are the most beautifull girl i ever meet. you're pretty inside - outside.
olive : Grandpa, am i loser ? (mulai nangis)
kakek : who told you that ? you are not a loser, why you afraid ?
olive : because daddy hates a loser
kakek : whoa... whoa... do you know what a loser is ? a real loser is someone who really afraid to be not winning, they don't even try. now, you are trying right ?


3. Slumdog Millionaire
salim : amitabh's helicopter! amitabh's helicopter!
jamal : (di bilik toilet) amitabh... amitabh bachan... (wajah tersepona ala anak umur 5 tahunan)

liat nih ekspresinya :

>> imut kannn ???

akhirnya musim hujan sudah berakhir. hari-hari menghabiskan waktu nonton film sambil minum coklat panas juga sudah lewat. semoga hari besok lebih baik lagi

aza aza fighting!!!



3 komentar:

Anonymous said...

slumdog millionaire....... dari awal sampek akhir cerita sangat menegangkan, tak ada adegan yg membosankan. show the real life of the people of india, far from glamour that we used to see in most india films. inilah india, inilah kehidupan sehari2nya, inilah dunia sebenarnya, kehidupan sebagian besar masyarakat dunia yg hidup kesusahan dibawah kemiskinan. it is sad to see this reallity but what can we do? we r powerless.....:( God please help them

een said...

sorry forget to write my name for the commet above.

anantasean said...

4 te een :
that absolutely right, te een! nonton film ini bikin kita "melek" tentang india yang sebetulnya. bukannya seperti film2 india sebelumnya yang isinya cuma pesta, nari2, seneng2, jalan-jalan di luar negeri, oh it sucks! buktinya justru film "ala orang miskin" (yang realistis) ini bisa nyabet oscar dimana film2 "ala orang kaya" itu malah nggak dapet apa2 ?


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